Your technology architecture harmonised; giving you an edge in an ever changing environment of service consumption.
Technology Landscape
IT and Technology provide the platform and tools for every function in your business. It is not enough to be efficient and accurate. We need to be able to provide the right information to the right people at the right time. Your success depends on your people being able to make the right decisions, and take advantage of every opportunity.
Your technology assets need to help solve your biggest business challenges.
It is imperative that your strategy balances the sustainability of existing assets as well as improving your capabilities to address requirements from the market and your own people.
Key Points for Technology Strategy Development
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Improve cross functional planning, agility and transparency
Keeping the communication open means we can make informed and aligned decisions between all functions within the business. We need to ensure our strategy will deliver against corporate as well as departmental goals.
Engage stakeholders
Aligned priorities facilitates the approval of capital expenditure. It also means that your business will participate in key projects to ensure the technology is the right fit. Stakeholders need to understand the overall objectives and prioritisation of resources.
Review existing infrastructure
Keep the lights on and ensure technology is maintained to meet agreed service levels. Make allowances for resource allocation to provide this service level.
Stay at the forefront of technology
Be aware of the latest tools to keep up with your competition. It is important to consider expectations from your custom's point of view as well as your employees
Respond to the digital disruption
This means acknowledging where priorities hav changed, or technology has changed and embracing opportunities to redoply rexources. Do not be afraid to challenge the value of a digital asset with a view to removing it from the landscape as replacing it with a new solution.
Create roadmap for resource allocation and architecture
Building a high-level plan of how best to deploy resources. This helps identify where we have surpluses or shortages and enables decisions about how to cover for this.
Define your metrics
Decide how to measure the success of your strategy. Identify key milestones for review.